Archive for July 2014
Nothing is perfect, and therefore metal is not perfect. There are few bands that have managed to stay consistent and actually good over the years. Many of them use the formula that first worked and use it (and abuse it) over and over again. Some others sell out and some just die or disappear.

Vader is one of those bands that has a pretty solid discography. Many of us were wearing diapers when Vader placed Poland in the international death metal scene. And now it's been 22 years since The Ultimate Incantation saw the light for the very first time and it feels like Vader has just reborn.

Tibi et Igni is the name of the new monster that Vader has created. All the way from Go to Hell and up to The End, this album captures the essence of what Vader has been building since they formed way back in 1983. Aggressive riffs, demonic solos, and that charming voice of Peter. Really, Vader will never let you down. The normal edition has a little bit over 40 minutes of pure devastation.
When Vader released Welcome to the Morbid Reich in 2011 it marked not only a new album, but a whole new era for Vader. It was the moment when they got their intensity back and mixed it with some fresh blood. (Peter is almost 10 years older than the rest of the band and he's twice as old as the drummer, who is 24). Personally, I think Vader has not released a single album that can be labelled as bad. Not only in the death metal world but in the whole metal world Vader is an acclaimed and loved band. I mean, pretty much every single metalhead has heard of Vader.
One of my favorite tracks on the album is Hexenkessel. It contains everything you want from Vader: aggressive and catchy riff, strong and marked drum beat, thrash soloing and of course, evil lyrics. Ha! Tibi et Igni is now one of my favorite albums of this year.
This and the previous album had marked an era before and one after. Seriously.
Highlights: Go to Hell, Triumph of Death, Hexenkessel, Worms of Eden, The Eye of the Abyss.