I have always believed absolutely nothing Televisa does, be it "tienes el valor o te vale" or tolerance, respect and only God knows how many lies more. But they just messed up with a group that won't let that pass. Do you remember when people used to beat emo kids up? This is worst.
Apparently during one more of their soap operas people from Televisa decided once more it was a great idea to raise their rating to take advantage of things they don't even know about. And it isn't just some random show, it's probably the most "right" (as in right, the political ideology) show Televisa has ever made. We all know Mexico is a catholic nation and since Fox became president Juárez has been unable to rest in his grave.
Do you know whici one already? The freaking rose of Guadalupe.
Enough complains for today, just remember to add this to all of your websites:

And do not tune any of Televisa's channels, just to piss them off.