Archive for December 2013
The year is almost over, pretty quick as every year. I hope that everyone accomplished their goals and have new ones. And remember, we all miss one or another and it is ok as long as we tried our best.
This is not the kind of stuff I wrote regularly, but fuck it. The holidays spirit has possessed me.
Anyway, happy holidays to all of you readers of Tyrant's Hell.

Happy holidays!
I was telling you the other day about my weird quest for all girl metal bands. It was a really weird quest as it seems that girls are getting into the metal scene nowadays more than before. Well it found also rock bands but we'll discuss that later (maybe never). One of these bands I found was this: Cyntia. A very young band formed in 2011 playing power metal. Since I began my journey and starting with Aldious it seemed that I do like power metal, but only when it is performed by girls. Why? It's because I cannot tolerate male vocalists doing those horrible high pitched vocals.

Girls are basically on the other side. I mean, there are high pitched vocals (they are from Japan after all), but hight pitched voices and women do get along. They have released two full length albums so far: Endless World and Lady Made. Whereas in Endless World they did a little more experimentation they decided to aim for the power metal route on this album. Which is fine, it suits them. The last album had a heavier vibe to it. If they do continue down this road they might improve a lot, even if their fame and fortunes is based mainly in their image. It is a great album, but not perfect. Again, it lacks originality.
However they album is not disappointing at all and it might attract a larger audience into the metal scene. It's not like you begin with Cyntia and then continue with Dark Funeral, but you have to start somewhere, right?
My favorite tracks: IV and Lady Made. And now a little video (it's a fucking sample) for you to watch them in case that huge album cover is not enough... LOL.
My favorite tracks: IV and Lady Made. And now a little video (it's a fucking sample) for you to watch them in case that huge album cover is not enough... LOL.
Cyntia - Lady Made
It's been a while since I last posted here. And it's not because I don't to want to post or anything, is just that I need more time for myself. One of my goals for next year (yes, I say the same every year) will be to dedicate more time for myself. My thoughts are complex and they need to be organised. Blogging often helps to achieve this. So I brought back this blog. As you remember, I close the English version of my blog due to time. And then I closed the Spanish version due to time. And now I brought both back to life. I hope this will help to achieve some goals in my life.
Anyway, I hope to post here often and tell you about my life, and why not start right now? I had an attack earlier this month to get new music. Listen to new artists. At least new for me. I noticed a time ago that there was a lack of girls in my metal library so I said to myself let's look for all-girl metal bands!!! I only knew of G∀LMET (Japanese Melodic Death Metal band) and Aldious so far so it was an interesting quest. I have nothing against girls in metal, it's just that metal is a community dominated by men, both in audience and in performance. It's not my fault. LOL. And finally, by clicking here and there I got to this: Destrose.

They are a fairly new act (formed in '07). Their style, you ask? Heavy Metal. They also fit into the visual kei branch of music, and it is kind of obvious why. Anyway, besides having a ton of singles, EP's, live recordings and whatnot they just released their debut album this year that goes by the name of Destrose.With only 10 tracks it defines what Destrose is all about and sums the work this galshave been doing for the past 6 years.
From the opening track The Destruction of Chaos until the last track 破壊の薔薇 this girls continue to amaze me. For some reason each time someone mentions a japanese girl I think of high-pitched voices and stuff. This is not like that. Not at all. here, watch them play.
Production is flawless and there is aclear heavy metal vibe a la Mötorhead that does not leave their kawaii personality. Riffs are really catchy power metal-esque and drummming is fast and heavy. Vocals fit perfect here, and you can even hear the bass clearly. So what's worng with this? Because something has to be wrong. It is the lack of originality in music. It is quite an innovation in image but there is nothing really new about their music. That does not make them bad, just not the best.
That's pretty much all, so i¿ll tell you what my favorite tracks are: Skykiller, Lifer 13, Sword of Avenger, and Fenixx.
Maybe later this week I'll tell you about what I found on my quest for all-girl metal bands.